❁ struggles ❁
I figured I would get this discussion going because I know it can be difficult to open up if you feel you're the only one going through something or that everyone else has it so much better than you. I'm here to tell you that people's "perfect lives" are a façade. There is not a single person on this earth who hasn't experienced some level of difficulty whether they want to admit it or not. I am no exception. To spare you the lengthy details, I will just say that I had to trek a long and rocky road to get to the point where I am today; even with the many blessings I have today, I still struggle.
The first semester of my freshman year of college is winding towards a close. There is roughly three weeks left and I will be finished with finals and my first year away from home. Leaving home and walking straight into arguably the best university in the state was already quite a challenge. Initially, I was worried on how I was going to be able to fund this education. I was also rarely able to visit my family or my boyfriend, with all of them living nearly three hours away. This made it hard for me to push through at times.
Lately, even with three months under my belt and the end of the semester truly being within arm's reach, I still have felt probably the worst I have felt in awhile. This is due to many stressors such as final exams coming up, distance from family, slipping mental health and self-care, and relationship issues. I have tried to work on this, but honestly, it's feeling out of my control.
That's because it is. I have to remind myself frequently that I should cast all my cares on God because He will sort it all out. Otherwise, I find myself overwhelmed, and I just escalate the situation even more. Nothing has been working out as of late even though I have tried to do everything "perfectly." I know I need to call on God and ask Him to guide me through this situation. I don't do that nearly enough. These struggles are going to take a lot of strength, support, and definitely prayer.
What's your way of coping with the struggles that come your way in life? What has been plaguing your life lately? Share anything with us; I'd love to hear!